Ways of Giving

"You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give."

Without the help of our friends willing to share with our parents the cost of the operation of the school, it would be difficult for many of our students to attend the Academy. Thirty-two percent of the operating costs come from sources other than tuition. Over two-thirds of these resources are from gift income.

The Academy asks you to consider the school’s need in your monthly discretionary giving plan. If you cannot give, encourage a loved one, grandparent, aunt, or employer to share.

At Centre County Christian Academy, we do not seek, nor do we accept federal or state financial assistance. We are maintained solely by student tuition and the gifts of our friends.

Considering a gift to the Academy is to ultimately consider a gift to your child and your community, for they are the benefactors of this ministry.

The following is a list of programs and services offered for your giving needs:

The following is a list of programs and services offered for your giving needs:

200 Club Fellowship

These donors provide the nucleus of on-going financial support for the general fund of Centre County Christian Academy. These gifts permit us to maintain low tuition, yet provide a high-quality program for our school family. You become a member by making an annual financial commitment of $200.00 or more per year.

Capital Gifts Programs

The initial capital gifts campaign that was launched in 1978 permitted the Academy to secure by mortgage 10 acres of ground and construct the current campus complex. Inclusive with this program, labeled Venture of Faith, was an additional 10 acre option needed for future expansion. This option was exercised under a Phase II Foundation program that was run in 1982. The school awaits the much needed capital campaign for the Gymnasium

Living Memorials

The next time you wish to honor a departed friend or loved one, you may do so by sending a memorial gift of any amount desired to the school. Families of those whose memories you have honored will be notified by an appropriate card. Names will also be listed in our Living Memorials Book on display in the school lobby. We invite you to honor the deceased by investing in a life yet to be lived.

Major Designated Memorials

Others may wish to memorialize a friend or loved one by a designated gift. These gifts may be used for needed areas to help in the educational process. They could be in the form of buildings, furnishings, equipment, or books for the library.

Matching Gifts Program

Many corporations in America will match gifts of their employees to educational institutions and non-profit organizations. Your company’s business manager or accountant could inform you if they have a matching gifts program and if Centre County Christian Academy qualifies for it. This program could double or triple your potential gift to the school.

Other Gifts

Property, Real Estate, Deposit Agreements, Gift Annuities, Deferred Gift Annuities, Stocks, Life Insurance, Wills, Living Trusts, and donations to EITC Foundations designated to Centre County Christian Academy

For more information on how you may help sustain Centre County Christian Academy's quality academic and spiritual programs for the children of our area, please call the school’s office for assistance at 355-7805.

Last Modified on January 19, 2008